Ask GENie: FAQs

Click on a category to search from our frequently asked questions.

If your question is not yet answered in any of the FAQs below, please email  (for tech programmes) or  (for non-tech programmes). You can also send us a WhatsApp message and we are glad to have a chat with you.

About Train-and-Place

  1. SCTP is an initiative by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) that aims to support mid-career individuals in acquiring industry-relevant skills to improve employability and pivot to new sectors or job roles.

    It is open to all Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents who are looking for training opportunities to transit to a new sector or job role, and are kept affordable by the SkillsFuture course fee funding.

    For more information on SCTP, please visit this website.

  2. There are currently the three tech roles we offer under the #GetReadySG  Train-and-Place programme. The programmes are 12-week, full-time, virtual training bootcamps that prepare career switchers for the following entry-level roles:

    1. Jr Full Stack Developer
    2. Jr Data Engineer
    3. Cloud Support & DevOps

    Our healthcare program is designed to equip you with the skills needed to become a Patient Service Associate. This 13-week, part-time program is conducted on-site.

    Please refer to the relevant programme pages on our website for more information about course curriculum and upcoming start dates.

  3. You may take our ‘Where do I belong in Tech?’ self-evaluation quiz on our website and find out which of the three roles best suit your strengths and interests. You can also explore your career options with our suggested free programming languages courses and our curated video playlist on YouTube.

  4. There is no allowance provided during the 12-week training period for the #GetReadySG Train-and-Place Programme as the course fees are already highly subsidised.

    However, if you qualify for the Skills for Success funding scheme, you receive a monthly training allowance of $1,000 per month throughout the 3-month training bootcamp. (See question #4 under Course Fee Funding section).


  1. We accept applications from all individuals who are:

    • Above the age of 21 (in the calendar year of programme commencement),
    • either Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents, or LTVP+ holders.

    To stay true to our organisation’s mission, we will be prioritising the following profiles:

    • Individuals above the age of 40
    • Individuals who have been unemployed for more than 3 months
    • Individuals with disabilities
    • Individuals who are in need of financial assistance
  2. Not at all! Our programmes are designed for individuals without technical knowledge or work experience in the technology or healthcare sector. What we look for is your motivation and commitment to complete the bootcamp and start your career post graduation.

    As part of our application process, all applicants for the tech programmes will complete basic programming language skills. For the patient service associate application, you will be asked to complete a hands-on task. More details are found in the respective program pages.

  3. Do contact us at <> prior to submitting an application to find out how we can support you throughout your journey as a Generation learner.

  4. You may submit an application for the programme. Please note that the course start dates are tentative and are subject to confirmation.

    Do also note that participants are required to commit to full-time training over 12 weeks, must meet the 75% minimum attendance requirement per module, and pass the modular assessments in order to receive the certificate of completion.

  5. We understand that due to the full-time nature of the programme, participants may seek part-time or short-term employment to financially sustain themselves during the training period.

    We do not place any constraints on learners’ activities outside of training hour.

    However, please note that the training bootcamps are designed to be intensive and require a minimum attendance rate. Participants should also expect to spend time outside of class hours to revise course materials, complete assignments and supplementary self-paced training materials.

    Participants are required to commit full time for 12-weeks (tech programmes) and part-time for 13 weeks (patient service associate programme), must meet the 75% minimum attendance requirement per module, and pass the modular assessments in order to receive the certificate of completion.

  6. No. Our programmes are open to applicants from all educational backgrounds.

Course Fee Funding

  1. The course fees for all SCTP #GetReadySGTrain-and-Place programmes are S$15,000 (Tech) and $10,000.00 (Patient Service Associate) before GST and subsidies.

    All eligible applicants will receive course subsidies ranging from 70-95% depending on age and employment status. For more information about course fee funding, visit this SkillsFuture page.

    Applicants eligible for Skills For Success programme (see item 4) will receive additional financial bursary on top of SkillsFuture subsidy, which covers 100% of their course fee funding

  2. Yes. We are SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme-approved, so you can further offset the course fees with the SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career) top-up of $4,000, and however much credit you already have in your account. You can check your SkillsFuture Credit balance via your Singpass account.

  3. Should you require further financial assistance, especially if you are a woman from a vulnerable background, please let us know via or +65 9644 2780. While Generation does not currently provide financial assistance, we are happy to refer you to our network of community partners for possible assistance.

  4. Skills for Success (SFS) is an initiative designed to help youth secure employment opportunities in a tech profession through Generation’s 3-months intensive training bootcamp.  It exclusively targets youth who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET) or who are employed in low-wage work. 

    SFS encompasses 2 components:

    1. Financial bursary that covers the remaining 5-30% course fee on top of SkillsFuture’s SCTP subsidy 
    2. Monthly training allowance of $1,000 per month throughout the 3-month training bootcamp.

    This financial support scheme is piloted by Generation Singapore with the generous support of our funders and corporate partners.  It runs in conjunction with the SkillsFuture’s SCTP #GetReadySG courses in tech, and only applies to those who fulfill SCTP’s eligibility criteria.

Application Process

  1. Navigate to the specific program page on our website and click on the ‘Apply Now’ button.

    Please apply for our SCTP Train-and-Place programmes only if you are:

    • Above the age of 21, and;
    • either Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents, or LTVP+ holders.

    You will automatically be considered for Skills for Success scheme if you fulfil the following additional eligibility criteria:

    • 21-35 years old 
    • Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents 
    • Unemployed, or employed with < $2,500 monthly income
    • Not enrolled in full-time education or training
  2. We strive to inform applicants of the outcome of their application within 10-12 working days after receiving their completed application (i.e. completed the recorded interview stage).

  3. Generation Singapore reserves the right not to provide the reason for the outcome of an application.

  4. You can complete each stage of the application at different times.

    However, please note that you will not be able to return to previously completed stages in your application to amend any previous responses. If you would like to stop and return to your application, we recommend that you do so once you have completed a stage and before you start the next stage.

  5. Yes, you can re-apply should you wish to try again. Please remember to use a different email address to start a fresh application.

  6. Don’t worry – please continue your interview process and playback your recording to ensure that your video recording was not affected by the glitch. We recommend using one of the following browsers when completing the interview for the best experience:

    • Chrome (latest)
    • Firefox (latest ESR)
    • Safari 10+
    • Edge (on supported versions of Windows 10+)

    If you’re still facing any technical issues during the interview process, email <> with a screenshot of the issue.

  7. Yes, the logic test and technical assessment stages (for tech programmes) and hands-on task (for patient service associate) contribute to a portion of the entire screening process. We recommend you take your time with these sections as we have allotted a more than sufficient timeframe to complete them.

  8. You will not be able to return to previously completed stages in your application to amend any previous responses. If you have uploaded an incorrect document, email (for tech programmes) or (for patient service associate programme) with your name, the email address you used for your application and the name of the program you are applying for.

  9. You will receive an email confirmation within 10-12 working days after you complete the entire process of the application and your offer will be confirmed through an enrollment email from Temasek Polytechnic.

  10. No. Our programmes are designed for learners with little to no technical background.

    Do note that there will be a technical assessment during the application process that will require you to complete a few lessons from a free self-paced course. Instructions for the assessment will be provided in the application process.

  11. Please refer to the individual program page for specific application deadlines.

Curriculum and Course Delivery

  1. The #GetReadySG Train-and-Place Programmes are 12-week* full-time courses that will be conducted virtually.

    Learners are expected to commit from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, for the full duration of the programme.

    *While the programme curriculum is designed for 12 weeks, some cohorts may run for up to 14 weeks to take into account holidays and other circumstances.

    Learners should expect to attend the course in-person at Temasek Polytechnic to meet their classmates and instructors on two occasions: on Day 1 of the programme, as well as on their graduation day.

    The Train-and-Place Patient Service Associate programme is a 13-week part-time course that will be conducted on-site at Temasek Polytechnic. Learners are expected to commit on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9am-5pm for the full duration of the programme.


  2. For the #GetReadySG tech programme,  you definitely have to have your own device.

    In addition to a microphone and a video camera, these are the hardware requirements for a laptop or desktop for the programme:

    • 1.6 GHz or faster processor, 1GB of RAM and Free Disk Space 1GB or more

    Operative System Requirements:

    • OS X Yosemite or Higher
    • Windows 7 (with .NET Framework 4.wr)
    • Linux (Debian): Ubuntu Desktop 14.04, Debian 7
    • Linux (Red Hat): Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, CentOS 7, Fedora 23

    If you are unable to purchase a laptop, Generation Singapore may be able to lend you a device. Please reach out to us at to request a device and for more information.

    For the Patient Service Associate Programme, you are also strongly encouraged to bring your own laptop / tablet for your in-person class as the teaching materials are shared virtually.  However, our team will reach out to discuss possible supports for you if you do not own one.

  3. All tech programmes are conducted online. Nevertheless, learners can meet up in person at their own discretion.

    For patient service associate programme, it is conducted on-site at Temasek Polytechnic,

  4. In order to facilitate an ideal learning environment, Generation Singapore aims to have a class size of no more than 20 to 25 learners.

  5. Our instructors are subject matter experts with extensive industry experience and well-versed in conducting programmes for adult learners.

    More information about the cohort instructor will be shared with enrolled learners on Orientation Day.

  6. Through the hands-on projects and assignments in the tech programmes, learners are equipped to acquire industry-recognised certification(s) from Microsoft. Learners from different programmes are encouraged to obtain the respective certification(s) during or after the bootcamp. They will have support from the instructor during the course for exam preparation.

    For both tech and healthcare programmes, learners will also receive a Temasek Polytechnic-endorsed certificate for each module that they pass. Lastly, there will be a certificate of completion that is jointly presented by Temasek Polytechnic and Generation Singapore upon completion of the course.

  7. You may find an outline of the curriculum on the respective programme pages.

    Should you require more information, please contact <> and state the programme that you are interested in.

  8. There will be coursework and assessments throughout the #GetReadySG tech programmes and learners have to pass the modular assessments in order to receive the certificate of completion.

    For the Patient Service Associate programme, there will be quizzes throughout. Additionally, we have an endpoint assessment that includes both theoretical and role-play components. This assessment is designed to prepare you for real-life situations and evaluate how you will respond in such situations.

Employment and Placement

  1. Generation partners with a wide pool and diverse range of employers, from startups to multinational corporations. In tech, we work with companies like SoftwareOne, Cognizant, and JJ Innovation, among others. In healthcare, some of our partners include Sengkang General Hospital, National University Polyclinics, and Singapore General Hospital.

    After graduation, you may have the opportunity to get interviewed by these employers at our #GenReadyDay event.

  2. While Generation Singapore will provide employment support to all learners for up to 6 months after the completion of the programme, there is no guaranteed placement.

    We do, however, share relevant job opportunities from our employer partners and and connect learners with them for interviews. Such interviews have led to internship and employment opportunities for some of our learners in the past.

  3. The runway to employment will look different for everyone as it depends on the individual’s background, interests, and commitment to the job search.

    On average, our graduates spend between 3 to 6 months on their job search before securing employment. Some graduates may take up to a year. The process depends on the types of roles that individuals consider, their career motivations, as well as their technical competencies.

    Some graduates also choose to explore further training options to advance their skillsets before looking for a full-time role.

  4. We encourage our learners to consider multiple post-programme pathways, which could include full-time employment, paid internships, project work or further training opportunities. The runway can look different for everyone as it is dependent on an individual’s background, commitment to the job search, technical competencies, and interest.

  5. To date, we have achieved an 86% placement rate for all Generation graduates across various roles and industries within 6 months of graduation.

  6. Generation partners with employers who are looking for entry-level talent, and will share across these opportunities with learners.

    At Generation, we are committed to supporting you in gaining meaningful employment. We support all graduates for 6-months after completion of the program to best secure a position.

    Generation program graduates will also be supported by volunteer mentors and/or buddies who will assist in resume refining and interview coaching. These additional sessions may help you to perform competently during interviews.

  7. The training is conducted in a modular format and participants can withdraw from the course mid-way due to reasons such as employment, among others. This will be advised by Temasek Polytechnic in due course.

  8. You can start work in entry-level positions in the field relevant to the program you have pursued.

  9. The entry level salaries for full-time employment of the listed roles range from $3,000-$4,500, based on our best efforts to curate various credible sources.

    If you opt to ease into the tech industry as an intern/trainee (which we highly encourage!), you may be offered a lower range before progressing into full time salary.

Skills for Success

  1. Skills for Success (SFS) is an initiative designed to help youth secure employment opportunities in a tech profession through Generation’s 3-months intensive training bootcamp.  It exclusively targets youth who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET) or who are employed in low-wage work. 

    SFS encompasses 2 components:

    1. Financial bursary that covers the remaining 5-30% course fee on top of SkillsFuture’s SCTP subsidy 
    2. Monthly training allowance of $1,000 per month throughout the 3-month training bootcamp.

    This financial support scheme is piloted by Generation Singapore with the generous support of our funders and corporate partners.  It runs in conjunction with the SkillsFuture’s SCTP #GetReadySG courses in tech, and only applies to those who fulfill SCTP’s eligibility criteria.

  2. SFS aims to support youth from vulnerable backgrounds to secure stable employment opportunities in tech. Applicants must fulfill the following eligibility criteria to be considered for the scheme:

    • Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident
    • 21-35 years old
    • Not currently in education, employment or training (NEET), or who are employed in low-wage, low-skilled jobs with minimal opportunities for career progression in areas such as the gig economy

    The scheme is anticipated to run from Oct 2024 to late 2025.

  3. You do not need to apply separately for the SFS funding scheme. To be considered, please complete your application for any one of our three #GetReadySG tech programmes  and our team will contact you with more information about your eligibility and funding options.

    Note that we evaluate applications as we receive them. This means that the sooner you submit your application, the sooner you’ll receive the outcome of your application. We may even close our application process earlier than the deadline if we’ve filled our cohorts! As such, we highly encourage you to submit your application early!