JJ Innovation | Employer Partner
Not all heroes are born into ideal scenarios. Yet, what sets them apart are the choices they make to rise up to the occasion and be the best they can be. Gary is one of them.
Having toiled in the MNC world for many years, he was devastated when it all came crashing down one day during a restructuring exercise that left him jobless. Thus, as someone forced to make a mid-career switch himself, he empathized greatly with others who were struggling through those similar challenges. This was how JJ Innovation Enterprise was formed.
JJ innovation Enterprise offers consulting services in the Analytics and Artificial Intelligence field — this extends to Cyber-security, software & application development, process automation and robotics. Their primary goal is to help Small and Midsize Enterprises (SMEs) understand what the digitalisation challenges are in current day’s cybersecurity space and to come up with relevant solutions to aid them in their quest for success.
The Beginning of Partnership with Generation Singapore
It was about three years ago that Gary and a friend chanced upon Generation Singapore and started their journey of mentoring learners. While it was a fruitful time serving the graduates, they themselves were also able to benefit from the programme.
“Through our mentoring experience, we understood more about the learners’ journey and how they can fit and contribute to our company. That process in Generation brought us our first employee! And this year, we hired two more Generation graduates from the full-stack development and data engineering courses.”
Past Experiences Never Go To Waste
Gary especially liked that mentors were invited to watch and assess the students’ presentations.
“Through these presentations, we are given the opportunity to understand how much they actually know and how they are able to apply what they have learnt. In our line of work, we are not just looking for people who are technically skilled. A lot of these graduates don’t come from technological backgrounds but from a vast array of sectors, businesses and markets. We are looking for those who are able to connect their past experiences to what they have acquired from these three to six months with Generation Singapore.
I don’t want candidates or graduates to feel like they are starting from ground zero because of a career change. Your past 10 or 20 years can actually help bring value to your future role.”
Working With Generation Singapore Graduates
At JJ Innovation Enterprise, we work really closely as a team and I still mentor the three of them. We try to provide opportunities where they can apply their past experiences and value-add in terms of service to our clients.
There is an expectation that they put on themselves to be able to apply knowledge and bring immediate value to the company. This makes them both anxious and ambitious. However, this also motivates them to explore, research, and take the initiative in their tasks.
We will definitely hire again from Generation Singapore because we are looking for an experienced team who will stick with us and be able to mentor the new cohort of graduates that come in.”
Size Matters When It Comes To Inclusivity In The Workplace
“It helps that we are a close-knit team, thus practicing inclusivity is kind of straightforward. There isn’t any hierarchy that you are required to ascend. Everybody is part of a project, and everybody is part of this company. Different perspectives are necessary because every individual brings with them a unique value to the team.”
A Message For Fellow Employers
“If these candidates had the courage to embark on this reskilling journey or mid-career change into a totally different domain, we as employers should take the time to look at these candidates in a different light.
Many companies are looking for qualifications in candidates, but what truly matters is the candidate’s ability to apply their learnings, as well as their willingness, attitude, and motivation to learn.”
If only more organizations could acknowledge and recognize the wealth of experience that these graduates have, they will discover that these candidates are indeed a valuable resource for their companies.
I am very supportive of this initiative of skills-based hiring. My company and I have really appreciated the journey taken together with Generation Singapore. It has helped us a lot, so thank you very much for all the support you’ve given us!”