Wendy Chua
Board Member
In 2003, Wendy Chua-Sullivan left a secure career as School Psychologist of Raffles Institution to start her own leadership practice WAND INSPIRATION. She has over 20 years of experience as an educator for personal transformation, applying Psychology to help leaders and teams build resilience and better performance. Wendy’s approach to coaching high achievers to maximum performance has been presented at the 2002 International Congress of Applied Psychology. Her WAND approach emphasizes the use of relevant questions; effective actions; acknowledgement; being neutral and non-judging; recognising individual differences; and making a difference.
Through her workshops, talks, books and shows, Wendy has made a difference to thousands of executives, consultants, educators, military leaders, students and parents in Singapore and around the world.
Wendy has an authentic style of communication that builds trust quickly with her clients. Her commitment to her clients’ achievement leads her to design relevant strategies with them. Since March 2020, her programmes has been successfully gone online, and she still creates deep connection and authenticity in her online coaching and workshops. She has written 23 books based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and developing resilience. Since March 2020, Wendy has given PDF copies of her book “The WAND Way to Resilience” to healthcare workers and anyone who wants to be more resilient.
Wendy is married, with four grown-up children, and a volunteer for families-at-risk programmes.