Nancy Ip
Senior Manager, Curriculum & Instruction
“Don’t dive into education directly after finishing school if you want to be an educator.” This is the advice given to Nancy from her secondary school teacher when she was young. The reason behind is - one has to gain wider exposure, to encounter people of different backgrounds and circumstances, to develop wider vision before being able to offer meaningful insights to learners.
With that in mind, Nancy started her career in corporate communications, organising international events and conferences, corporate social responsibility programmes and other public affairs in listed companies. She took a break from her career and completed a Master Degree in New Media in the London School of Economics and Political Science.
She then transitioned to become a lecturer teaching Media, Culture and Communications in a Community College in Hong Kong. After relocation to Singapore and a break to spend more time to take care of her family, she has joined Generation SG as a Training Manager to manage curriculum and instruction across a suite of training programs. She is thrilled to be in a team that shares the same goal - to make positive impacts to lives.
Nancy likes to examine the interactions between learners and facilitators to improve learning experiences. She has completed the Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (ACLP) course, diploma in education psychology, Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers or Other Languages (CELTA) and Certificate in Teaching in University.
In her leisure time, Nancy enjoys art and crafts, reading and activities that connect people.